How is Pakefield Coastwatch is run?


Like the vast majority of Coastwatch stations around the UK, Pakefield Coastwatch is a uniformed service. All watchkeepers will wear uniform whilst on duty at the station or when conducting activities such as fundraising in the community.

The standard uniform for both men and women is a white pilot shirt with Pakefield Coastwatch epaulets, along with black or navy trousers. Epaulets will denote which rank the watchkeeper holds, and are explained in the bellow picture:

Watchkeepers become certified once their training has been completed, and they have passed the qualification test. After 18 months of qualifying service, Watchkeepers may be granted Senior Watchkeeper status by the committee. Members completing 10 and 20 years of qualifying service may also wear the numbers 10 and 20 on their epaulets.

The running of Pakefield Coastwatch is by an elected committee that consists of a Station Manager, Deputy Station Manager, Secretary, Treasurer, Training Officer, Health & Safety Office and two committee members. We are also inspected and supported by members of the Sea Safety Group, of which we are affiliated.


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